There is no better way to start the day than watching the sun rise.

The cloud formation is so beautiful. It is a reminder to be present on a daily basis, to experience the profound beauty that Mother Earth provides.

Inner oaks opened in mid May of this year, amidst the world wide Covid 19 pandemic. We were able to open the nursery by having clients e-mail us to place their order for fresh herbs. They picked up their orders or arranged for delivery. It was not what we envisioned for opening week, however, we were thrilled to be open. Then June came, restricted lifted and the nursery and gift shop opened for onsite visits.

As proprietor I've been asked why we are open by appointment only, it is because it allows more one on one time with our guests. It also allows time to work on making products for the gift shop. We make floral waters, (hydrosol) from fresh picked flowers, using a copper still, brought in from Portugal. The pottery is made in the on-site studio. The handmade soaps are created using natural balsam resin harvested from fir trees on the property. We make an assortment of lavender gift items using the lavender surrounding the giftshop, along with creative intentional healing watercolour gift cards.

Now that the culinary herb and garden shop is open, we can start to prepare for our upcoming culinary experiences, that will start in mid to late July. The plan is to incorporate our fresh and dried herbs into the dishes. Initially we will be focusing on smaller private groups of one to four people, with the hopes to expand to ten in the near future. Not only will we be sharing years of creative cooking knowledge, we will be able to combine it with intentional creativity and assisting others to find ways to live a more balanced lifestyle.

Thank you, Laura Muise


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